Hi! I’m Clare (she/her),

I’m honoured to be the Federal NDP candidate in Toronto-Danforth. I grew up in Toronto, I love this city and the East End, which is why my husband and family are making this riding home. Like many people in Toronto-Danforth, my parents immigrated to Canada and ran a small business on Queen St where I spent much of my youth working behind the counter running the cash register.

After my father died my mother worked twice as much to ensure my sisters and I could stay in our home and pursue our goals. This upbringing shaped me, and I knew early on that I wanted to commit my life to the service of others. I’ve done so, through mentorship programs for at-risk youth, harm reduction services, and mental and sexual health care. I have a Master’s degree in Social Policy from the University of Oxford and years of leadership experience in the healthcare and social services sector.

In Toronto-Danforth I’ve been a Board member of the South Riverdale Child-Parent Centre and I’m a volunteer at Bethany Baptist Church Foodbank, I’ve chaired my son’s school parent council and I organize the DeGrassi Park annual Pumpkin Parade. I’m also on the Board of the National Abortion Federation of Canada and was previously the Chair of VIBE Arts for Children and Youth.

In recognition of my work in the non-profit sector, I received the Toronto Community Foundation Vital People Award in 2013 and was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Women by the Canadian Executive Network in 2022. 

Clare smiling at the camera in a purple top

Why I’m running

When I ran in the 2021 election, I heard clearly that change was not only desperately needed but urgently required to meet the demands of the future. Since the last election, I’ve stayed involved in our community by canvassing with our NDP volunteers on climate change issues and leading letter-writing campaigns against budget cuts to the TDSB. Two years after the last election, the same issues and the same urgency still exist. Across our riding, I hear people disappointed by the lack of progress on climate issues, fearful of the rising cost of living, and lack of affordable housing. I hear friends and neighbours outraged that Indigenous communities still don’t have clean water. Through my work, I see firsthand the healthcare system struggling to meet the needs of everyday folk.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m running as a member of the NDP because this is the only party fighting to address these issues. Together we can choose to make investments in the environment and clean economy today that will change the future for our children. We can and must address and dismantle systemic racism. We know how to address the growing opioid overdose epidemic. We can invest in and grow our healthcare system with programs like the new NDP Dental Plan and Pharmacare. We can support our small businesses while making the richest CEOs pay their fair share. We can meet the needs of refugees and newcomers arriving in Canada. What we need is the political will to make change. I want to do everything I can to win your vote. I’m committed to meeting as many community members as possible, learning what matters most to you, earning your trust, and winning your vote. I give you my word that I will give my all for Toronto-Danforth, now and after I become your next Member of Parliament.

Over the coming months I look forward to sharing more about myself and hearing from you about your hopes for the future. Follow me here or on social media for updates.